AAP-Card: An Innovative Method in Teaching and CQI for Large Classes

Reference Text
Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014

Delivering lectures in classes with large number of students is always a big challenge for the lecturers, especially for engineering classes. Checking the attendance, noise, attracting the attention, engaging and motivating the students are only some challenges among many the lecturers face. Such challenges, if are not properly addressed, they may lead to low or poor quality of teaching and delivering the knowledge to the students. This paper shares an innovative method which addresses the above-mentioned challenges by introducing AAP-Card (Attendance-Attention-Preparation Card). Every week, in each lecture session, the lecturer distributes AAP cards to all students. At the end of the lecture or sometimes during the lecture, the lecturer asks question and students need to answer it on the space given for the answer on this card. Another space of the card is for the feedback, where the students write their feedback about the lecture or any other comments. Finally, students need to sign as evidence of their attendance for that lecture session and return the card to the lecturer. Therefore, this card serves many purposes. It saves the time when checking the attendance especially classes with large number of students. It is good tool to check the students’ attention and understanding during the class. Also, and this is the most important purpose, it encourages students to give comments, suggestions, or concern regarding the teaching, learning, facilities, etc. This continuous feedback, if timely and properly addressed, will greatly help in continual quality improvement of teaching and learning. Students also found that AAP card helps them to communicate effectively with the lecturer and this resulted in good and friendly relationship with their lecturer.

Proceedings of the 10th International CDIO Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 15-19 2014

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