Out-of-Classroom Experiential Learning For Students’ Learning in Structural Engineering


Structural engineering modules in Diploma in Civil Engineering and Management (DCEM) course are traditionally perceived by students as “abstract”, “dry” and “hard to visualize”. Students tend to have difficulties in grasping the basic concepts of structural behaviour. Conventional ways of teaching have shortcomings in terms of motivating students learning structural engineering. In the context of Conceiving, Designing, Implementing, and Operating (CDIO) framework, this paper discusses the approach conceived and implemented by the module team to make the learning more meaningful and promote student understanding. In particular, “Structural Review” and “Structural Competition” have been used to motivate and enhance students‟ learning of structural analysis. Student survey results have demonstrated that the use of fun-based learning activities and competitions increased student‟s motivation and interest in learning structural engineering as well as developing better problem solving skills. The paper concludes that the use of these approaches, leveraging on appropriate information technologies, can provide powerful motivational strategies and encourage students to be more participative and creative in their learning. 

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