Integrating Innovation Pedagogy and CDIO Approach – towards Better Engineering Education

Reference Text
Proceedings of the 12th International CDIO Conference, Turku, Finland, June 12-16 2016

The relationship between innovation pedagogy and CDIO raises out many questions. Are there common elements, or do these approaches conflict, or can they be integrated somehow? In this paper we discuss similarities and differences between innovation pedagogy and CDIO and how these approaches are interconnected.

The objective of innovation pedagogy, developed at Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS), is to provide the students with innovation competences in order enable them to participate in innovation processes in their future working places and develop them. In working life, different types of knowledge is needed in innovation creation and innovative solutions are created through collaboration of people with different backgrounds. Both CDIO and innovation pedagogy are developed and implemented in close co-operation with businesses and industries in order to answer to this challenge. At TUAS, the integration of innovation pedagogy and CDIO aims to provide diverse social and multidisciplinary learning environments and thus enhance the development of innovation competences.

The outcome of our discussion is that the CDIO approach can be strengthened by innovation pedagogy, and by facing similar challenges and by sharing very parallel goals and objectives, their integration can help engineering education to develop to the needed direction. The findings and the value of this paper extends the concept of knowledge in learning context to support the development of innovation competences by integrating the CDIO approach with innovation pedagogical approach.

Proceedings of the 12th International CDIO Conference, Turku, Finland, June 12-16 2016

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